
The Skunk Man of McCutcheon

Current Mood: overloaded
Current Music: "Supertzar" by Black Sabbath

Again, I've got a bunch to write, but it will have to wait. Chem exam in 2.5 hours (WHY am I not studying?) plus a bajillion other things to do this week before I leave Friday around 2pm.

For now:

Peggusus (Erica): Ryan.
AKindOfMagic14: real quick
AKindOfMagic14: I'm headed to lunch
Peggusus: It's important.
Peggusus: You're on break on March 19th, right?
Peggusus: A Saturday?
Peggusus: You're still on break?
AKindOfMagic14: yeah
AKindOfMagic14: that's the last weekend
AKindOfMagic14: that I'm still home
Peggusus: Styx and REO Speedwagon are going to be at Cincinnati Gardens.
AKindOfMagic14: d00d
AKindOfMagic14: yes
AKindOfMagic14: whatever the plans are, yes
Peggusus: Thing is, tickets are $50.
Peggusus: haha
Peggusus: Okay, I'll see what I can do.
AKindOfMagic14: I'll find the money, somehow
Peggusus: It's only a possibility.
Peggusus: I'll see.
Peggusus: I'll call dad.

1 comment:

  1. That post totally makes me looke like I'm the "daddy, buy me things!" type. Keep in mind I just shelled out $200 to take DAD to the circus.
