
because that's how I roll

Current Mood: anticipating
Current Music: none- Jason is studying

Um. I'm busy, and I've got a lot on my mind, so I can't really do the post I want to.

Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.

*Spring Break: 1 week and 2 days away
*2 exams next week (chemistry and calculus)
*Jason: transferring to Northwestern sometime before next winter, also
Computer over.
Virus = very yes.
*new counselor, debating over summer classes, nervous about grades/GPA/EAI
*began Ryan Garwood Needs A Real Job resume campaign
*less Pugwash, more Ship of Fools Improv (show Friday, 8-9pm at Hillenbrand Hall)
*classes are all crazy, especially calculus, english, physics, and chemistry
*Rube Goldberg contest, SWE (Society of Women Engineers) Formal on Saturday
*Purdue Bell Tower fixed...no more Back to the Future fantasies

More later.


  1. cool, Rube Goldberg contest!

  2. I CAN COMMENT! keep it up -- it can only get better, unless it gets worse.
