

Current Mood: militant atheistic
Current Music: "Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love" by Van Halen

Trying to make it through the week. I had my my physics exam on Monday...a bunch of bullshit, I tell ya. Brought my 97% down to like a 70%. I swear I'm never going to forget to account for the given mass in a Newtonian system every again, so help me god. I had a helluva time today finishing two lab reports, as well as a pretty involved chemistry lab involving 12 reactions of increasing/decresasing acidity/basic properties. My grades aren't looking fantastic, but we're over the first set of exams and I'm buckled in for the long haul, trying to work hard and beat the competition (and hoping for a curve).

There's a small twilight of hope. Paul, from improv, tells me that I'm not totally crazy. He's a graduate engineer, and told me personally that integrals are a form of black magic. It's stupid, I know, but it meant a lot to me when he told me.

After the lab I managed to swing by the callout for the Purdue Skeptics Society. Paul was there, to my suprise. I think that Pugwash is a little too involved for me...they meet twice a week and I can't find the energy to come to hardly any of the meetings. We'll have to see how that all pans out.

I'm also slowly but surely transferring all of my stuff. I've got about 1/4 of my giant collection of links transferred, as well as Firefox and AIM working. I'm trying to wean myself off of AOL one little bit at at time. I must say that Firefox is pretty cool so far, being much faster and much more reliable. I like the format, and I love the little "find" box that doesn't fucking get in my way.

I'm actually pretty excited about the Daytona 500 this weekend. I'm not sure why, either.

*heavy sigh*

I've also been thinking lately about my prospects as an engineer. I'm not sure, if at the end of this or next semester, I'll have the grades, honestly, to get into the school of Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering. This place is kicking my ass. I might have to consider the possibility of being a mechanical engineer or some other type. All hope isn't lost, though, because nothing says you have to be an aero engineer to be an astronaut. It's just one path to take. Besides, I could always get a graduate degree in aero. We'll just have to see.

1 comment:

  1. You know what you have to do to get where you want to go. Now comes the easy part doing it.
