
I've been diagnosed with "n-polar" personality disorder

I just realized that after I make it through the next week and a half of horrible amounts of work, after Thanksgiving break, after a slew of homework, review, studying, labs...

my first set of Finals are in mid-December

I honestly have no clue what my grades are at this point, or if there will be a curve, or how much my homework is worth, or how bad my exam scores will hurt my overall grades, or what my Engineering Admissions Index (EAI) is. But I know I've given it my best and I have a pretty good feeling about this first semester.

So what have I been learning?

*Engineering 100-
weekly lectures on every different type of engineering (like I need help deciding...)
*Engineering 106-
MATLAB, programming, UNIX file sharing, FTP, security, Excel, problem solving, ethics, teaming exercises, economics, statistics, logic statements and loops
*Math 161-
trigonometry, functions, graphs, limits, linear approximations and tangents, derivatives, related rates, integrals, exponential growth and decay
*Physics 149-
2-D kinematics, velocity, acceleration, work, energy, circular motion, SI measurements, Newton's Three Laws
*Chemistry 115-
matter states and properties, atomic theory, The Periodic Table and trends, stoichiometry, major chemical reactions and classifications, gas laws and theory, thermochemistry, quantum theory and atomic structures

and a bunch of other things like lab procedures, how to deal with TAs, WebCT and CHIP (online homework), exams, and perhaps this is a bit clichéd, but being in a totally new environment with totally new friends, teachers, and a roomate has really shown me more about myself.


Today I found a room in the Chemistry building with a warning sign on it:

Warning! Experimental induced magnetic fields!
Credit cards, IDs, and disks may be damaged or erased.
Small metallic objects may become airborne.
If you have a pacemaker or artificial devices/implants,
do not enter without permission!

and I realized, that includes me.


  1. Hot damn you just said a whole lot of things i don't know. Good luck with that hey.

    So this room sounds interesting, what would be the worst case senario if you did walk into it?

  2. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say his spine would go airborne.

  3. Spine gets ripped out of back, a la Mortal Kombat fatality...

    I would stay away from there if I were you, Ryan! :)
