
I don't go to Andy's LJ for the surveys..............but I always come back with 'em

Your Favorite
Hair Color:brown
Eye Color:doesn't really matter
(Their) Music Genre Preference:classic rock
Height:anywhere from about 5'4" to 6 feet
Personality Type:the perfect compliment to mine ^_^
This or That
Older or Younger:either
Romantic or Horndog:romantic most of the time
Smart or Stupid:SMART
Fat or Skinny:skinny
Long or short hair:long, definitely
Little kisses or wild makeout:little kisses most of the time
Mixtape or burned CD:burned CD
Emotional or not:somebody in this relationship has to have the feelings..........
Sincere or Joker:joker
Hott and mean or ugly and sweet:ugly and sweet
Sexy or cute:a little of both
Butt or legs:butt
Hair or face:one package
Dimples or eyes:dimples
Teeth or nose:teeth
Tomgirl or Fashion queen:tomgirl
Have you Ever
Dumped a girl because she liked you too much?:I'm the perpetual breakupee
Loved a girl because she obsessed over you?:obsessions are unhealthy
Loved a girl because she hated you?:yeah, 'cuz she pulled my hair and tripped me in the halls! (no)
Asked out your friend's crush?:no, I'm too loyal
Lead on a girl for fun?:I'm not that skilled
Asked a girl out purely because she was hott?:no, that's just setting yourself up for disappointment
Flirted with girls even though you had a girlfriend?:yeah, I love that "Death Row" feeling
Lied about not having a girlfriend?:maybe to my family
Lied about having one?:no
Be Honest
Would you ever date a girl for her popularity?:no, I'm not fit for popularity races
Would you ever date a girl for what she looks like?:that's part of the descision
Would you ever date a girl for how she moves?:dancing is overrated
Have you ever liked your girlfriend's friends more than her?:only once, and it bit me in the ass.
Have you ever pretended to like someone to make them feel better?:no
Do looks matter?:somewhat
Are you scared of being dumped?:scared of? no. resigned to? yes.
Does size matter?:it's performance, pure and simple
Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends?:if a girl doesn't get along with my friends, it's over
Are you ashamed for being ashamed?:therefore, no
Do you hide things from your crushes/girl friends/gf?:crushes? only the fact that I like them. girlfriends? I really try not too.
Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence?:no
Are you upset if she doesn't say:I'd be more upset over what she does say, rather than doesn't
Wanna be a virgin 'til marriage?:if it works out that way, I won't complain
Do you really love a girl if you say so?:Absolutely 100% no question. Period.
Do you dream about crushes/gfs/girl friends?:do/have
Would you makeout with a friend out of curiousity?:I'd have to really think about that one
Have you?:no

Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey for GUYS brought to you by BZOINK!

I'd just like to point out, additionally, that these are not set parameters, just general guidelines. Furthermore, statistically, 90% of every girl I've ever liked, had a crush on, or dated, has had a name starting with J-M. Weird, huh?

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