
Two birds (or, in this case, AP Teachers) with one stone (visit)..........

Went to Amelia today. I was just going to visit Ms. Rabenstien, but I ended up in a joint-conference with Rabenstien/Kuzma because Ms. Kuzma always hangs out in the teacher's lounge around lunch-time (yes, I was pardoned and allowed in there, and remarkably, there's not much in there but lounging teachers and paper products).

Ms. Rabenstien said that with all the holidays and snow days, catching up shouldn't be too bad because the whole chapter I missed was application rather than new things. Having said that, our plan is to just work as fast as I'm comfortable with to catch up as best I can, and not to worry about grades till then. She also copied about 400 pages of notes for me. I think I'll skip the AP exam at the end (I'm allowed, Ms. Buten said so) because the extra review work willl then be worry-free, I have less stress at the end of the year, and I probably need to take Calc at Purdue anyway. She also said I can exempt the 2nd trimester exam (shhhhh!) ^_^

Ms. Kuzma said that I missed alot, but I was on top of everything right up untill I left, and that Stats is cyclic enough that most of what I missed is just building on what I learned earlier- basically, I'd need a review anyway. I got to stay long enough that I got to see the class. Kuzma said everybody missed me and my "entertainment," made me feel good.

Oh, and I got my graduation announcements, thank-yous, ect. today. Mom cried.

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