

Current Mood: excited

Hey guys! I am less busy now that it is summer. I've moved back into University Residences (Earhart Hall) and will once again be a summer Operations Assistant for conferences. I am more or less a summer RA until August. I'll be on duty a few nights a week - required to stay in the building, doing rounds, check ins/outs, etc. I will probably try to take a summer class.

In August I move into my new apartment with Greg and Chad - I'm pretty excited about that. Woo! Pool! Washer and dryer! Bigger bedroom!

I'm going to try to write in here more, as well. If any of you still care to read, I'm also going to be updating my NaNoWriMo story from last year - starting tonight! I aim to update both blogs at least once a week. Speaking of blogs, I got an actual phone call from Allister today, and it was a fantastic surprise - thanks man!

Along with my class, books, video games, and work, I'm gonna try to stay busy.

It's a bit of a blast from the past to go back to the residence halls each summer, now that I've been in the apartment. I don't cook or clean, and I'm back to using my freshman shower caddy and my sandals have been pressed back into service as shower shoes. It's a bit odd. Fortunately, Jenny is working in the hall across the street and the rest of the staff is really nice. I have a very firm grasp of the job at hand.

This May marks the end of four official years at Purdue - and I'm at least one year (probably more) away from my degree. I'm trying really hard to accept that as okay and enjoy it, instead of worrying and beating myself up. It has been a very long road, with more to go, but I have overcome a lot to even be where I am.


  1. Yeah, I'm taking more than four years as well, and it does grate a little if you think of it like: "Oh man, I couldn't get a degree in four years, I suck."
    BUT I do love being an undergrad and I am in no hurry at all to join the real world where there will be no summers off, no long weekends if you plan your class schedule right, and no light elective courses that are a blast to take. No core courses that are a blast to take either. That being the case, I'm willing to drag this experience out as long as I can.
    I recently figured that if I go straight on from here and get my doctorate, and then another right after that for that extra philosophy major, I could be in school until I'm like 36 years old.
    I don't think I want to be poor for that long, but it's good to know that the possibility is there.

  2. I think I'd have an easier time enjoying the ride if I wasn't out of state...

  3. Ain't that the truth! I dunno how you guys do it. It's ridiculous!
