
The Alpha Scrobble

Current Mood: solitary

As you may remember, I've been working on a complete overhaul of my music collection (closing in on 30 gigs, total). I've got 6 GB left to re-label and correct, the rest is golden. As we approach the new year, it's time to look at The Alpha Scrobble.

The main body of this post was taken almost directly from the blog of my brother and partner-in-scrobbling.

Around this time of the year, comes my [now annual] massive overhaul of music. The deleting of old material, the downloading of new new songs, and most important: the ever-important re-labeling, and correcting other torrenter's mistakes. So to celebrate the joy of having a clean media library, comes a project known as the "Alpha Scrobble". This consists of playing all the songs on your computer in a row, non-stop on the first second of the new year. Everyone with a media library (no matter how big or small) is allowed to participate, under these guidelines.

Alpha Scrobble Rules

1. All songs must be organized by song title, alphabetically.
Barfly - Marcy Playground
Barfly - Tankard
Bargain - The Who
Bark At The Moon - Ozzy Osbourne
Barmherzigkeit - Die Apokalyptischen Reiter

2. All songs must be played, not matter how embarrassing.

3. Media libraries must be "locked-in" by December 31st, with no adding or subtracting of music during the alpha scrobble.

4. Participants are strongly encouraged to join Last.Fm to track their progress, and record data, if an outage occurs.

5. If play is interrupted by any case, play is to be resumed as soon as possible.

6. Music must be listened to at all possible times (sans sleeping)

7. It is optional to play music only during the day, and turn off your computer during the night, but play is to be resumed as soon as possible.

8. The playing of songs is to start on January 1st, at 12:01 AM

I *may* not be back to my computer until a day or so after the new year, but rest assured I will begin as soon as I can, and let nothing stop me until every [clean] track has been played!

For those of you who simply wish to see where I'm at, the handy little widget on the right sidebar will show you what tracks I've been listening to. Since I'm listening in alphabetical order, you can get a rough estimate of how far I've gotten. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. As a person who has over 5000 songs on their computer, I really like this idea, I wish i had read this post earlier. No matter, I shall participate in the Alpha Scrobble next year
