

Current Mood: bummed
Current Music: "Desecrate Through Reverence" by Avenged Sevenfold

So...my sub woofer is on the fritz. My computer speakers (that came with my computer when I purchased it back in 2004) have long served me well and I have never complained about the quality or volume output before. A few days ago, however, my sub woofer suddenly quadrupled the bass during a Judas Priest marathon and scared the crap out of me. It just happened all of the sudden. I normally just have a little bit of bass in to keep the speakers from sounding flat - I never crank the bass past even the halfway point. Suddenly the bass was so loud I couldn't hear the music, just a thumping pulse that threatened to knock things over in my room.

I tried everything I could think of, and nothing would turn it off. The only thing I could do was turn down the master volume, and that made the bass go from really loud to just powerful, but then I couldn't hear much music. So as a temporary fix I went to headphones. A restart fixed the problem for a bit, and then it happened again. I turned everything up to maximum and it stopped, then started again. I think the bass pulses themselves were interfering? I dunno. At any rate, I hate it. I can't unplug the sub woofer because the speakers themselves are routed through it, which I feel is a dumb setup for a 2.1 system, in case something like this happens.

So...after spending nearly 300 dollars for my birthday upgrading my computer, and looking to the future (where I want to get rid of my large TV and use my computer instead [after purchasing a TV tuner card and the appropriate cables]), I'm wondering if I should scrape up some money and buy a new speaker system? Should I wait it out and see if the sub woofer was just funked up for a day or two? I don't want to spend a lot of money, but something like this looks reeeeeeally nice. If I'm gonna replace them, I might as well do it right, right?


  1. I think Bradley has an extra set of (cheap) computer speakers. Maybe you could use those? For now?

  2. Yes, I totally support your idea about getting a video card. It's a very, VERY good idea. It's a realitivly inexpensive way to get TV (And if you buy the right tuner [mine came with one] FM radio, and a few video inputs. It can also come with a remote, that you can program to do all sorts of shit with your computer.

    Anyway, please, PLEASE do NOT buy those speakers. If you're going to play $70 for speakers, don't get shitty 2.1 Get at least 4.1.

    I mean, I don't know if you're sold on what you linked to, but that brand makes my headset, and it broke in like one week.


    is less, and Logitech, with a 5.1 (the .1 is the woofer, and the number before is amount of speakers)

    So just give it some consideration.
