
the other side of average

Current Mood: tiiired
Current Music: "I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe)" by Genesis

If I'm reading this right, and I'd like to think that I am...
You guys just want to read what I want to write about, because I write best when I write what's right.

Anyway, oddly enough, I had three really brutal exams this week:

AAE 204 Structures and Mechanics of Materials
MA 266 Differential Equations I
ME 200 Thermodynamics I

I think taken by themselves, each one would be difficult and depressing enough to defeat me. Trust me- they hurt really bad. Individually, I'd just be completely miserable and just want to curl up into a ball. That said, by having three like that, each one keeps me from focusing on the other. Why beat yourself up over a tough exam when you've got another one the next day to kick your ass?

I leave you with this:

PoleVaultingStu: wanna do a 60 second alphabet?
AKindOfMagic14: oh geez
PoleVaultingStu: lol
PoleVaultingStu: no?
AKindOfMagic14: i...is that possible?
PoleVaultingStu: probably not
PoleVaultingStu: lets try
AKindOfMagic14: we can try?
PoleVaultingStu: start with R
PoleVaultingStu: scene....
AKindOfMagic14: I pulled up the date and time properties
AKindOfMagic14: I'll start with R on the top of the minute
PoleVaultingStu: lol
AKindOfMagic14: we're so dead
PoleVaultingStu: for what scene
AKindOfMagic14: at the zoo?
PoleVaultingStu: k
AKindOfMagic14: rhinoscerous over there?
PoleVaultingStu: stop! where
AKindOfMagic14: take your time getting the map
PoleVaultingStu: under the rhino?
AKindOfMagic14: vending machines first?
PoleVaultingStu: where?@
AKindOfMagic14: X-rays won't get through that hide
PoleVaultingStu: y not
AKindOfMagic14: zounds! we're running out of time
PoleVaultingStu: aaahhhh
AKindOfMagic14: baboons are throwing poo, move aside
PoleVaultingStu: careful, you'll get poopy
AKindOfMagic14: duck!!
PoleVaultingStu: everyone duck!
AKindOfMagic14: feces are disgusting
AKindOfMagic14: *time*
PoleVaultingStu: blast!
AKindOfMagic14: *sigh*
AKindOfMagic14: check the timestamps?
PoleVaultingStu: yeah
AKindOfMagic14: admirable effort, sir


  1. Would that be... IMprov?

  2. You guys make me smile

  3. *blink*
    I didn't even think of that.

    Well played, sir. We all miss you down here in W. Lafayette.
