
endless well

Current Mood: intelligent
Current Music: "Metal Gods" by Judas Priest

Pretty much the nerdiest joke I've ever made.

185 engineers walk into a bar. Bartender says "Hey, guys, before you start drinking, I have to have your keys." Engineer says "how come?" Bartender says "Because this is a car no cycle."


I actually made two really nerdy jokes that evening at practice. I wasn't going to subject you to them until Scott commented (about chemical engineers, no less). This one's for you, buddy.

185 chemists walk into a British bar. There's a cricket game on the telly and they're all crowded around when a small fight breaks out. The bartender quickly and efficiently moves the offenders outside with missing an order. A nearby patron asks "Hey, how'd you do that?" to which the bartender replies "London dispersion forces."


  1. Oof, you aren't kidding...

    It's a shame you aren't a chemical engineer - then you could make jokes about the backside attack.

    Hope you're doing endlessly well, bud.

  2. Ok, second one: Muuuuuuch better!

  3. Man I miss improv.
