

Current Mood: yearning
Current Music: "Yeager's Triumph" from The Right Stuff soundtrack

Four days into July and it's time to celebrate my favorite holiday. This time with a shuttle launch, only the second flight since the 2003 Columbia disaster.

I have to say the very first time I experienced a launch I thought, "Well this is pretty cool", but I never expected the sense of patriotism I felt when the space shuttle went off. It’s just one of those proud moments that you have. You think, "Wow, I’m proud to be an American and this is the United States space program."

-Shana Dale, NASA’s deputy administrator

Edit: Reasons why the 4th of July is my favorite holiday

Simple family outings/togetherness (picnics, parks, etc.)
Good food (burgers n' dogs, chips, soda...)
Patriotism, nationalism
A secular holiday, with emphasis on celebration and rememberance, not candy or presents

And perhaps most important
Celebrating with rockets and explosives


  1. Independence Day is your favorite holiday? Seriously?!

  2. Obviously, the listed reasons are hypothetical- not always met.

  3. Maybe we should just make Molotov cocktails for Xmas.
