

Current Mood: excited
Current Music: Mario being pummeled by Ganondorf on Super Smash Bros. Melee

I'm alive! I miss Purdue and my Indiana friends like crazy, but I must say that Christmas was much better than I thought it would be. Sis and Dad did a really great job and I'm full of good home cookin'. However, I'm leaving in the morning to drive over 230 miles for a four day skiing adventure with John (Freshman) of the Ship Of Fools. I'm pretty sure there's about 10 pages to write about my family and the holidays and my academic career being turned upside down, but there's no time for that.

I have to find my ski pants.


  1. You have ski pants? And more importantly what are ski pants?

  2. I do indeed have ski pants. It's a pair of vinyl-like overalls that repel snow and water, are insulated (which keeps you warm and softens falls), and have elastic bottoms to keep snow out.

    They rock pretty hardcore.
