
reference material

Current Mood: despondent
Current Music: "Anyway You Want It" by Journey

This week sucks ass. I just want to curl up in a ball and quit.
I hate being stupid and sucking at engineering, calculus and C programming in particular.

I wonder if I should try another type of engineering.

Student loans are piling up, and my gpa is piling down.

So much self doubt.


  1. good, I know your falling on hard times, just keep your head up, and do the best you can.

  2. In every survival situation, there is a point where the survivor simply states, "I'm going to live." Regardless of whether he really is or not. It's that decision, that will that allows him to keep going. So right now you have to make that decision. Do you want to trudge through the misery of calc and CS, knowing full well there's going to be more just like it for that slim chance that someone will "look up" to you and address you as payload specialist? I think you do and I think you will survive. In fact, I just called Vegas and placed a bet that you will, so you goddamn better.

  3. Sorry about the "looking up to you" short joke. I probably shouldn't kick you when your down, but seriously, it's a short joke! Consider it foxhole humor

  4. "Hooooold on! There will be tomorrow!"
    Compliments of Mariah Carey in all her "only dogs can hear me i this octave" glory.

  5. Self-doubt is unacceptable.

    The self is more than some transcendental and immutable truth to be found within. It is created with every step we take, every move we make and every smile we fake (no matter for what reason we fake it). The self can NOT be doubted. It exists whenever the thinker does.

    Your self, Ryan, technically cannot be doubted. In addition, I don't think that you have adequate reason for self-doubt. You're outstanding.

    Cheers, mate!

    P.S. Don't forget, you even have a fan club.
