
advanced rules

Current Mood: weary
Current Music: "Right Now" by Van Halen

So this is the part where I come back and tell you where I had a great fantastic relaxing break and everything?

Yeah. About that.

I have no car anymore. Dadly has commandeered it since his truck is broken, and now MY car is dying. The age, the weather, and the general crappy condition means that he can't even drive it to work (that, and the lack of insurance). Which leaves me up a creek as far as transportation. I suppose this Amtrak thing might become more of a regular deal. It also poses a very interesting question how I'm going to travel 200 miles to NE Indiana the day after Christmas to go skiing with John?

It was nice to see Bradley and Dad over break, I will say that. Grandma even came over for Thanksgiving, which was nice. Dad cooked us a nice bird.

*heart-stopping moment* the heating element of the oven went out with a spectacular spark at one point, leaving master chef Dad to use some...creative cooking methods to finish the roast beast. Oh yeah, and the oven almost caught fire.

It looks like at least one of my parents have decided to continue some semblance of tradition despite what's going on.

I'm a little upset at my mother, to be perfectly honest. My only communication with her consisted of a few text messages over break, like "can I take u to the station?" ...after I already got back to Purdue.

*sigh* I miss my old family.

Anyway, I think I'm over this chili deal. I had some when I went home and it was just...okay. Perhaps it's tainted by the suck of divorce, but I don't crave it so much anymore. So there's that.

Going home felt really really odd. I didn't leave the house but once to go to Blockbuster. I didn't see anybody but family, and not even everybody at that. My room is filled with boxes, and I didn't have my computer. I just sat there wondering what to do with myself. Probably everybody's break felt too short, but I got in Wednesday morning and left Friday night.

Stupid work. Stupid Amtrak. Stupid divorce. Stupid school. Stupid car. Stupid holidays. Stupid money.

I don't even know how to feel about this parental divorce thing. I'm glad it's finally final. I'm sick of dealing with this bickering and arguing bullshit that's been dragged out for two years. Hearing that it was done, though...it hit me like a ton of bricks. My parents...separated. GRRR. It makes me very upset and angry, frustrated...confused. Emotional. It's hard to focus on things here. Sometimes I want to just hug them, and then punch them in the face.

I slept a lot over break.
But I didn't get much rest.

I had this fantastic pattern of deprivation and sleeping/napping worked out, and now it's all fucked up. I have to force myself to get back to Purdue for three more weeks.

Oh well. Time to put that emotion and such aside. No D&D this week, and most likely no improv either, which will be two straight weeks. Why?

Tuesday: Calc exam
I need to rock this one hardcore, but I'm just not feeling it. I hate calc II!

Wednesday: CS lab practical
I hate coding under time limits. Not doing stellar in CS, so a good grade here would be awesome, but I hate pointers and arrays right now...

Thursday: CATIA exam
I have an A in CGT, and I have a feeling that this one will ruin that.

Friday: CS Project II
This one is due by 11pm. I had so much fun with the last one, and this one I have even LESS clue what to do. I probably will work on this one all day, instead of sleep and improv.

Monday: COM final group speech
We need a lot of practice and revision before this is even remotely ready. And I'm in charge.

Not to mention all week I've got other homework, quizzes, and group meetings for CS and COM, work, and there's bound to be a scheduling meeting for work soon that I'll miss...

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