
voice activated

Current Mood: piqued
Current Music: "Pride and Joy" by Stevie Ray Vaughan & Double Trouble, The Dukes of Hazzard Soundtrack

Stolen from Eric, I'm going to *attempt* to provide you with 100 unique and random things about myself for no reason at all other than entertainment. These really are good, and who knows, you might learn something.

1. I can't stand to sleep with socks on. Even if it's freezing, I almost always sleep sockless.
2. I decide on shorts or pants from the month, not the weather.
3. Umbrellas are for wussies.
4. Despite the fact that they're obsolete, extremely nerdy, and I only have a vague understanding of how to use them, I really really want a slide rule.
5. I have a huge telltale heart.
6. That is why I really don't like to illegally download things.
7. I have a lifelong dream of being on the Jumbotron at a baseball game. It has yet to happen.
8. Never kissed anybody under mistletoe, but I want to.
9. I've got mad hops.
10. I hate the taste of alcohol.
11. I once swiped a single Lego piece from my 1st grade classroom because I'd never seen that kind of piece, and it fascinated me. Mrs. Cann, I'm so very sorry. You probably bought those with your own money. I still feel bad to this day.
12. People should need permission to reproduce.
13. I like the smell of gasoline, new plastic, and leather.
14. This is my favorite number.
15. Not my lucky number. I don't believe in luck.
16. I can never figure out where the hell the front of my car is when I'm driving.
17. No speeding tickets, one accident.
18. Sometimes, I resist things just because they're mainstream.
19. Most mainstream things really do suck ass, though.
20. I've read a handful of books just to say I've read them.
21. Boxer-briefs.
22. I suppose I'm a bit obsessive compulsive. Or at least really anal about some things.
23. Not a huge fan of Chinese food.
24. I like my pizza plain cheese. Nothing fancy.
25. My belt hasn't left the last notch in the 6 years I've had it.
26. I want to like classical music.
27. It's boring, though, so I'm a rocker.
28. I have a hard time not giving presents. December 15 I start feeling generous because I like to see people happy.
29. Quotes from famous atheists are like scriptures to me- they make me feel better.
30. I like to argue, debate, and discuss, sometimes just for the mental exercise.
31. Speaking of exercise, I can't stand working out. I loathe it.
32. I sometimes skip meals out of absent-mindedness or because I'm focused on something else.
33. My facial hair grows extremely slow, my real hair grows curly and very fast.
34. The only thing I miss at school more than chili is my family and friends.
35. I can tell you plenty about constellations, but I only know them in books. I've never seen a sky with more than 30 stars.
36. People that tell me that the moon landing was a hoax, even in jest, frustrate me beyond reason.
37. I'm not very ticklish.
38. I always thought doing voices for cartoons would be awesome, but I don't consider it a real job.
39. I have rock star, James Bond, Indiana Jones, and fighter pilot fantasies, but I don't think I'm cut out for them, either.
40. I should be wearing glasses or perhaps contacts. I used to, but I got teased too much.
41. I'm a pretty conservative spender, but I have no qualms about purchasing a dvd, and then a few months later buying the "special edition" for more special features.
42. Don't panic.
43. I sleep better with white noise.
44. I've never had a sunburn.
44. I'm allergic to codeine, and that's it.
45. I think real golf is retardedly boring.
46. Putt-putt and frisbee golf, however, are personal favorites.
47. I've never been on a roller coaster or on roller blades.
48. Ronald McDonald, Wiley Coyote, I don't care what you say. I have giant feet.
49. I have a testosterone problem. I'm a rocket scientist (in training, at least), but I can't drive a stick.
50. I have a hard time with calculus, chemistry, and coding.
51. History is easy for me, but I really don't care much until the 1900s.
52. I still need School House Rock to know the parts of speech.
53. Despite that, people tell me I write very well.
54. I really like that, but I only know what sounds right by reading so much. I can't tell you why something is wrong...I just know it doesn't look right.
55. In 5th grade, we started band. I wanted to play drums, but they told us we had to have a year of "bells" first. I fucking dragged around a bell set as big as I was for a year before I touched a snare drum.
56. I got really pissed at the 6th graders that joined the percussion section the next year.
57. Despite 6 years of concert band and 3 years of summer band, I've never touched a drum set.
58. Until my back surgery, the most serious medical condition I'd ever had was chicken pox. I cried when I found out both.
59. The first time I watched Star Wars, I was bored.
60. I don't like tea, lemonade, root beer, Dr. Pepper, or Pepsi.
61. I've only been to two school dances, and one was here at Purdue.
62. My first football game was here, too. I didn't know what a "first down" was.
63. I eat my cereal dry, but with a glass of milk. I don't get how other people eat soggy cereal.
64. Never played Final Fantasy, and I suck out loud with RPGs.
65. When I was younger, Drew Henson beat me at Mortal Kombat because my stubby fingers couldn't reach all the buttons for combos.
66. I dabbled with dice games (d20 stuff) and magic tricks when I was younger, too.
67. I think Shakespeare is overrated.
68. I don't understand the purpose of "sheets". I have a blanket and an elastic cover for the mattress.
69. I only started singing because of Kristen Brandt.
70. Family trees get me really confused, no joke.
71. As a kid, I wished my parents raised me "Christian" so I would fit in better.
72. Dinosaurs are cool, archeology is boring.
73. If I ever have a kid, I'm going to his parent-teacher conferences until they stop doing them. Just like my parents.
74. I can't blow a bubble-gum bubble or make myself burp, but I'm a very good whistler.
75. Queen is definitely my favorite band, but I think Led Zeppelin is the greatest.
76. I like my eyes, smile, and height.
77. I don't like my eyebrows, build, and height.
78. I didn't really listen to music until I was about 15. I found it was the perfect thing to do while I was driving and working.
79. When it comes to cell phones, I'm practically a luddite.
80. I have a hard time opening soda cans and banana peels.
81. I talk with my hands and have a very expressive face.
82. I tend to overthink things. One of my nicknames at home is "Spock" because things never were logical enough.
83. Clocks in the same room or house not agreeing on a time within a minute or so really bothers me.
84. I like to make up words. "Hearthrobitude" is my latest, I think.
85. I was once told I say "I love you" as if I had a finite number of times I could ever say it. It's very special to me.
86. When I read Animal Farm in 6th grade, that was the first time I understood "symbolism". It opened a new world for me. It happened again in 10th grade with The Wizard of Oz.
87. Teachers I trust and respect have told me I'm gifted.
88. I don't believe them.
89. There are several people I would die for. Just two things.
90. I don't know what I'm most afraid of.
91. I've always found brunettes more attractive.
92. I currently have 19.97 GB of music on my computer. 4780 songs would play for 12.6 days. I probably haven't listened to a quarter of it.
93. I try not to swear excessively. Video games and physical pain tend to bring out the worst, however.
94. I once electrocuted myself trying to learn how a VCR works. I almost blew myself up with a rocket. I blew every fuse in the house building something. I was set on fire playing with fireworks.
95. I truly believe good science involves risk.
96. I like to sing, and don't think I'm half bad. I'd like to karaoke and would definitely consider being in kickass rock band if I thought it could work. Dancing, however, is beyond me.
97. I can think of several things I'd like to see and do. Ask me where I want to go most on vacation, however, and I've got nothing. Seriously. I'd probably just point up.
98. I don't know if I'll ever be able to beat my old man at Pac-Man.
99. There's a scar on my back, but trying to look at it takes two mirrors or else I spin around like a dog looking for his tail. It still feels strange.
100. I really wonder if I could be a good father.

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