
approaching dead week like a zombie

The idea has merit, especially for the general population of Purdue Engineers. However, I personally find little value in Engineering 100, a series of early weekly lectures on all the various disciplines of engineering. Especially since I already know exactly what I want to do. Especially since it's long and boring and mandatory. Especially because this week was Biomedical Engineering. And what did they talk about? Of course! Orthopedic implants. This guy is droning on about the difficulty in creating implants for spine surgery that maximizes movement because "fusing just two vertebrae severely limits mobility". Try bolting a fucking rod to your entire spinal column and see how flexible you are after that.

I still, to this day, refuse to accept McDonald's bullshit excuses for not serving breakfast all the way to 10:30. First off, it used to be until 11:00 am, which was awesome. They should've never changed that. But apparently, from about 10:00 to 10:30 it's a first-come-first-serve ordeal where they serve breakfast until they run out of breakfast food, after which they switch to lunch while people are still in line, well before the stated end-of-breakfast time of 10:30.

Let's see. Thursday is my very last real chemistry lab for this semester, and I was very pleased with last week's lab report (18/20!), which in some small way makes up for the miserable string of labs I'd been having previously. Finals are coming up soon and every point counts. Immediately following that lab is my Engineering lab practical exam of which I am terrified, but once it's over, so is that class. The only other lab practical exam I've ever taken was that god-awful dissection practical in Pigman's Honors Biology class...I don't even want to go there.

The week before finals (next week) is called "dead week" here at Purdue. Apparently, no professor is allowed to assign any exams, tests, quizzes, or projects during this period, and only a few select classes are allowed to meet. This is all so the students have plenty of time to study (note to self: study). There's even an office you can go to if one of your teachers violates this policy...they'll go down and bust some skulls for it.

I've found a pragmatic solution regarding the gym situation. I'm sick of making goals to go X amount of times or lifting/running X amount and failing miserably because of some ungodly homework assignment or engineering meeting (or any of a long list of other excuses). Long story short, I have too much to do to worry about to follow any regular exercise regimen, so I'm going for a policy of "what I can, when I can". The goal has been shifted from "muscly and chick magnet" to "reasonably fit/weight control".

Can you believe December is already here?


  1. It's almost as if you think McDonald's cares about you.

  2. It's not that I expect McDonald's to care, it's that I expect them to be held to their own stated policy. They say breakfast goes to 10:30, so they should serve breakfast until 10:30. End of story.

    Known Evil Corporations:
    The Yankees
    Martha Stewart

  3. You know, they never stated what TIME zone it hasd to be. They never said EST or Indiana Eastern time... for all you know they could be refering to the fabled McDonalds Time Zone or McT Zone
