
From the jaws of defeat...

Doesn't matter that they were out of biscuits at McDonalds.

Doesn't matter that the materials engineering lecture was so boring I wanted to strangle the lecturer (especially when he flubbed the Columbia/Challenger thing).

Doesn't matter that we had a sub in chemistry today (actually, he was kinda cool).

Doesn't matter that WebCT and my online chemistry homework have conspired against me once more. Despite Andy's excellent help, I still got owned (something like a %60).

Doesn't matter that I've been so busy that I haven't done laundry in almost two weeks and that I missed dinner.

What does matter is that I got a %100 on my physics exam.
It was unreal. Fifteen minutes into the two hour exam, I sat in my seat frustrated and in utter despair. I thought I knew the material really well, but I only was confident on three or four questions (out of 15). I got really upset and worried, but just did the best that I could, playing with units and converting to what seemed to fit best. I took my sheet up to my TA and handed it in with a grim face. He looks at me, then the exam...the glances down at the answer sheet and nods once, twice, thrice...again and again as he slid his finger down the rows of ABCDE. At the bottom he looked up at me and said "congratulations- you missed one but got the bonus...great job." In a split-second I went from resigned misery to pure elation. I would later realize that this puts me, for the first time, at the top of the curve in college. Granted, this is the easiest physics class, but still...I needed a confidence boost. Then, as I'm leaving, he pulls me aside to tell me that he liked my letter in the Exponent.

Speaking of my letter...I got a call from the Opinions Editor yesterday. He's meeting with me Friday morning because he wants to turn it into an article or something of the sort. This just keeps getting better and better!

Well, not right now. I have a shitload of engineering homework to do still, and my longest day of class tomorrow (8-6 classes with back to back chem and engineering labs!), and then physics homework. Just two more days...


  1. Hot-damn! Congratulations! I haven't had that sort of thing happen to me since grade 9! Thats awesome.

  2. Hey quick unrelated question. Your university Purdue. Where does it lie amongst all the other universities like Brown [im just pulling these out of thin air]

    Oh and happy Stress less week

  3. Hey quick unrelated question. Your university Purdue. Where does it lie amongst all the other universities like Brown [im just pulling these out of thin air]

    I'm not sure which "Brown University" you're referring to, but Purdue is a very highly ranked school. One of the biggest in the nation (probably one of the top 10 or 20 in terms of student population- close to 40,000). Our business, agriculture, and pharmacutical schools are all nationally ranked. Our specialty, however, is engineering. Over 10 specializations withing engineering, Purdue is known the world-over for it's engineers (several schools are top 10 nationally ranked). It's a big school with engineers and one heck of a football team.
