
"Well, obviously, I'm not Asian......"

Ok. First, I have to point out that I'm sitting in room 655, McCutcheon Hall, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. I've got my fan on, and I'm blogging on my brand new Dell computer that arrived today. That's right. My computer arrived today and turned a good day awesome.

Ok. *rewind time just a tad*
AVP with David and Dan was too much kick-assness to explain unless you've seen the separate movies. Every time the Predator(s) did anything (oh, and he did some pretty wicked shit), the whole audience went "ooooooooo." One last dinner with the family at Zip's Cafe. Got a late start on the road (at 7) in the massive F-150 FORD TRUCK BEAST THAT EATS SMALLER CARS FOR BREAKFAST. Spent the night at our usual hotel, and saw a few awkward students tripping over their own feet. Of course- Purdue is an engineering school.

Move in was unmercilessly early but suprisingly smooth. Way better than Miami (sorry, sis). A team of overly-zealous Boiler Gold Rush (BGR) folks grab my two carts of tightly and neatly packed belongings and haul them six floors up to my bare room. They even complimented me on the light packing (mind you, I was still without my computer here). The record for most carts went to a girl with nine (I don't even think I own nine carts of stuff, period). Anyway, Mom, Dad, and Brad all help arrange and shuttle stuff around my room until they finally decide to cut me loose.

Then it hits me. I'm all alone. Jason actually doesn't move in until Sunday at three.

So I spend a lonely evening on a dead floor, and ended up watching Road Trip with my RA, a fellow Ryan. Felt a *tad* lonely, but sleeping on the top bunk still is something to get used to. I got up at eight so I could be presentable (I thought Jason was moving in early), but ended up just kicking back, re-arranging my stuff, and walking around campus. Turns out there's a killer record store about 30 minutes walk from my dorm, McCutcheon which is THE FARTHEST DORM FROM ALL SIGNIFICANT PURDUE BUILDINGS. My god, this campus is huge (more bitching about this later). Jason moves in at three, and brings his family.

Jason's family. Yeah. Honestly, they're nice people, but I have a hard time understanding his parents, and his sister seems to know what she's doing (apparently she's an upperclassmen at some other college). ALL my stuff that I had unpacked and organized had to be moved because the freakin' cable socket was on the other side. However, Jason brought a huge TV, a small stand, a PS2, and several other useful items. Thanks, Jason. Lookin' forward to a good year.

Boiler Gold Rush starts here, but I'm getting tired. Long day. Sorry. I'll pick up where I left off. Mc-Mc-McHarrison!

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