When they say that Purdue is known for it's engineers, they aren't kidding at all. I went to the Cincinnati Purdue Club Freshman Picnic and of the 15 students there, 1 wasn't an engineer. Of the 14 engineers, 10 were aviation or aeronautics. Which was awesome, because that's all we talked about- Purdue and flying. Good thing, because only one other person there was from a public school like me, not a rich private school kid. Every car in the lot of the country club was a Lexus, Jaguar, or BMW. I really felt awkward and didn't fit in. No joke.
It reminded me of A Beautiful Mind when all the scholars are talking about the "mysterious West Viginia boy" (Nash) who didn't go to a famous school but somehow managed to slip into the program. Of course, Nash ends up stunning them all with his genius...
High Schools represented (not all students attended):
Walnut Hills
Villa Madonna
Lakota West
Amelia (yours truly)
St. Ursula
Dixie Heights
Winton Woods
Indian Hill
Cincinnati Country Day
St. Xavier
Walnut Hills
St. Xavier
Suffice to say, I wanted to grab all of them and pummel each one in their stupid smart private school faces because A. like I said earlier, one of these punks stole my Purdue Club scholarship, and B. these are all the schools that mopped the floor with us at Science Olympiad and Science Bowl.
But I'm better than that. I made small talk with all of them, and impressed the ladies with stories of my flying lessons and homebuilt rocket days. The food sucked. Met some interesting people, some of which I want to avoid, others I want to keep in touch with. All of the older alumni who organized the event simply said that the school has changed too much, and only told us to work hard (duh). I won a raffle, and recieved a $50 dollar gift certificate for my books, w00tastic.
Besides, we totally owned Science Challenge.
It was an interesting night.
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Post Comments (Atom) snobby bastards. I hate them as much as the next person.
ReplyDeleteOMG i go to RICH PEOPLE SCHOOL CENTRAL. in fucking LA. the governators kids go to my school. its craaaazy! and i REALLY REALLY dont fit in because hmmm lets on a FULL SCHOLARSHIP...hehe. the girl in my chem class has two louis vuitton bags...that she carries PENCILS in. thats her pencil bag. she has 2 for that. its ridiculous. but yeah....i completely understand1
ReplyDeleteFirst off, DAMN RICH KIDS! I wish i drove a Lexus or BMW. But i'm still yet to even BUY a car! See i have to BUY me car, not get it off my parents in a lavish graduation present. DAMN RICH KIDS!
ReplyDeleteAnd the names of the schools over there are so cool. St Xavier? Amelia? they're cool, you know whats not cool? Names of schools over here like Caboolture - thats me..
umm... 12 of the 18 schools listed are public schools (including Walnut Hills)