Current Roommate Alex has alerted me to a contest! His friend Adam, some guy living in Japan participating in the JET Programme, is giving stuff away. He needs help deciding what, however.
That's where I come in. If I win the contest, I want Japanese LEGOs.
Some backstory:
I fucking love LEGOs. I* own probably upwards of 10,000 individual pieces, and spent a good portion of my childhood income (and even some of my adult income) on purchasing sets and bricks. I asked for them every birthday, Christmas, and any other event I could bargain for.
I clearly remember my first set. It was a "Town" themed box with a black jeep, towing a black speedboat. I named my first LEGO character Jack, and it was with that set that I joined the LEGO fan club. I was a LEGO maniac (your feet quiver/your feet tap/it's enough to make you snap), I read the magazine, and I've no doubt my love of these toys is/was tied to my current studies of engineering.
So, Adam - if you're reading this, I want you to find me some LEGOs from Japan. Preferably some giant anime styled mecha LEGOs filled with little Japanese characters I don't understand. They don't even have to be official ones - I'll take knockoffs. If anybody else is reading, head on over for the official rules - anybody can enter, but the deadline is the 18th.

*Probably most accurately described as co-owning with my siblings.
I think my first set of Legos weren't even actually Legos, but Duplos, aka big-ass Legos so little kids don't swallow them. I too was in the Lego fan club back in the day. I have many a giant Ziploc bag filled with Legos sorted by color that I presume are somewhere in my parents' basement these days, though I think the instruction guides for the sets are still in my old bedroom.
ReplyDeleteIf you win, watch out for those short round one-bump black pieces. Those were great at hiding in my old bedroom's dark carpeting and getting sucked up by a vacuum.
Sounds like somebody took a trip down memory lane. I hope it was pleasant.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I know Duplos. We have those as well, especially from when my little brother was growing up.
Also, the term is "stud", not "bump". :D
Thanks for the entry!
ReplyDeleteAnd sorry, but did you really make that yourself? One of the main rules was that it had to be something you created.
Contest results:
Even though your entry didn't meet all of the rules, because so few people ended up entering I'm just going to give out consolation prizes to everyone who entered, rule-following or not.
In short, I'll still be sending you something. I'm also assuming that you and Alex are still at the same address, correct?