
no longer a backup, pt. I

Current Mood: recovering

Hawkins Hall held a blood drive Monday afternoon, and most of the Ship of Fools were there to donate (we'll be back Oct. 11th to perform there). I had been looking for a group activity for us, especially since we recently tapped two Friday night regulars to join as official Fools: Steve "Angel Hair" and Brant "Rubble", which brings our total back up to 10. This accomplished several goals of mine, including:

* working more community service into our group activities
* being more visible and part of the Purdue community
* bonding and getting to know the new guys
* reforming our group identity and friendships after losing two very crucial seniors last year and gaining the aforementioned new guys
* something that was meaningful and inexpensive
* something not crowding a local restaurant and then an expensive movie that we all sit and watch
* me, personally, leading by example
* no pressure to perform or be funny

In all, seven Fools (and Jenny!) ended up donating. I think that's a great percentage of the group, and from what I could tell, we boosted the donations at this event significantly. I'd like to think we were more entertaining and light-hearted more than we were annoying and in the way. Two of the Fools didn't come due to conflicts or personal reasons, and I respect that.

I felt that this was my pet project that I asked the Ship of Fools to join in on, and was blown away by the enthusiasm and support. Despite being unable to donate (he'd donated already a few days before), Eric still came with us, which I really appreciated. Renee helped me actually track down a drive that could fit most schedules, and even delayed her own [regular] donations to come this time. The two new guys jumped right in without question, which I really liked. Even Current Roommate John did his crazy homework early to try and make it (which he did). Jenny came without me even asking.

I don't quite know how much...credit to take? Not that I'm looking for credit, or anything. On one hand, I feel like I just asked, provided a time and date, and bam! 8 more units of blood. On the other hand, I want to feel like I made something happen, and that I upheld my leadership style of not asking anybody to do anything I wouldn't do myself. Still, I know Eric and Renee donate regularly of their own volition anyway, and most of the other group didn't need much convincing. I credit that to my outstanding group of friends/fellow performers. They are my heroes for today.

It could've gone better because this was a particularly rough donation for me. Second time I've almost passed out. I got really woozy, and nearly emptied my stomach. I had to wait forever before I could even sit up, and my arm is still bruised. Regardless, my friends were there...not quite cheering me on, but they did wait and were concerned. I admitted to them that I hate to watch the actual needle business, and usually have mom or somebody talk to me to distract me. Anyway, I made it through without losing consciousness and that puts me even.


I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this somewhere. I try not to talk much about my surgery anymore, but in addition to the five units of my own blood I pre-donated, I used two units of some stranger's blood back when I had my back surgery. I feel...in debt to society, and that until I'd given back two, I was "in the hole", so to speak. Now, anytime I donate, it'll be for somebody else. I think giving blood is one of those things that most people are loathe to even consider, yet in a time of need [say, a random car accident] they feel entitled to a hospital full of blood that matches their type? I dunno, I guess this is my crusade that came about through a personal experience. I hate to foist my views on other people, but this one is really important to me. Especially since most of my friends are healthy college age students - who better to donate? I also have O+ blood, which is the "universal donor" blood.

Some quotes:

"alrighty, enjoy your blood-letting" -Bradley

Brant: "Hey, they already stuck you! Awesome. I didn't even see it."
Ryan: "Neither did I, I looked away."
B: "Yeah, I hate seeing things stuck in me."
R: "Boy, is sex gonna be awkward for you, then."
*stunned silence by everybody in earshot*

Ryan: "Hey, thanks for coming. You gonna chase me down if I chicken out?"
Eric: "Damn right. You're losing blood today- it's up to you to decide if it ends up on the floor or in a bag."

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