
plans gone awry

Current Mood: awake?

Hey all. Did anybody else watch The Office on Thursday night and really dislike the Bee Movie ads/shorts they showed? Normally I enjoy Jerry Seinfeld material, and up until that night I was ambivalent about the movie (it seemed kinda kid-oriented, but probably had a few zingers in it, similar to Shrek or something). The ads, however, really turned me off. So much that by the third one, I actively wanted to NOT see the movie. Way to go, advertisers.

On a completely unrelated note, I finally beat Shadow of the Colossus! It was a fantastic game, very stylized and artsy in a good way, with a unique concept and dynamite execution. Highly recommended.

Also, new Rabbit and Mouse.


  1. I still want to see Bee movie. Mainly because of Seinfeld. The ads last night were ok. I thoroughly enjoyed the ad where Seinfeld sang the Super Chicken theme. BAWK!

  2. WonderGroup did the website http://BeeMovieGame.com, for the video game that goes along with the movie. Yea, ActiVision!

    ...I have some stories.

  3. Yay Super Chicken theme!

  4. Jenny and I thought Super Chicken was made up...
