
An Apology To My Childhood

Current Mood: repentant
Current Music: "Firesign" by Skid Row

When I was growing up I saw many ads for a product called Ovaltine, and I must say that the context in which I was exposed to it was less than favorable. My constant barrage of cartoons, interspersed with expensive and flashy electronics and action figure commercials were occasionally punctured by a trip back in time - commercials for Ovaltine. Typically, these ads showed a painfully perfect Aryan family that looked straight out of The Sound Of Music in a plainly spartan 70's living room with this ancient looking package of chocolate powder to add to your milk to make it taste chocolatey.

Now, first off, when I want a chocolate drink, let me tell you that my main man is the Nestle Quick Bunny, featured on Nickelodeon commercials between Legends of the Hidden Temple, Salute Your Shorts, and other classic shows. This was a high quality, name brand, velvety-smooth chocolate milk that satisfied all my desires. The bunny took children on a magical theme park ride through canyons and valleys of chocolate fountains and straw roller coasters.

Ovaltine, by comparison, gave me nothing. Those snotty little brats at the end that scream "MORE OVALTINE, PLEASE". The voice over "Parents! Your kids will think it's delicious, but you'll know it's good for them!" may have escaped other worker bees, but I was a thinking child, and I for one would not be so easily duped. Not to mention it's a part of that stupid Christmas story (I don't understand why everybody has dropped their pants and gone gay for that movie, but that's for another post).

That all said, I am a reformed man. The past was clouded with false accusations and biases, and the astute reader might have realized that I never admitted to disliking Ovaltine based on taste. With that in mind, I hereby formally announce my tolerance of what is actually a rather tasty chocolatey drink. Current Roommate Alex brought some home and in a moment of desperation, I opened the sealed canister with hesitation. Fortunately, I emerge a better person because of it.

Ovaltine, I'm sorry that I treated you so wrongly in the past, especially without actually trying you. May your chocolatey goodness (with vitamins) continue to bring happiness to children if their parents allow.


  1. Hey Ryan, Im allergic to milk so i've had the ovaltine, nestle quik bunny arguement. Thanks for updating though, I thought I'd give you a plug, sorry too for the lack of reply to your email, I've been overly busy, but Im going to get on that now.

    Stay Cool Bud

  2. Sir, I want you to know that I have never really had powered Quik, but Ovaltine has always been there for me. I'm glad you tried it at last. I didn't even see commercials for the stuff until I was in middle school, long after I had started liking the stuff. I'm glad you've tried new things.

  3. Well I'm with you on the fact that Ovaltine has always, and I am convinced, will always have horrible commercials featuring insufferable children and their manaically conscientious parents.
    While I can't say for certain that I've ever tasted Ovaltine, I have nothing against the product. It's not Ovaltine's fault that it is burdened with a horridly awful marketing department. Wait a minute...
    Anyway! I was raised on Captain Coco myself. It might even have been Cap'n Coco...
    Anyway! Props to you for leaving your comfort zone, stretching your bounderies, throwing yourself against the bars of the cage of habit and trying out a new chocolatey drink mix. I salute you!

  4. Wow, I'm not really a fan of the chocolate milk (although, you would gain some points for trying Soy Milk), but I do remember always reaching for that families brown bunny. I mean, now that I think of it, I'm pretty sure he had some sort of palsy, but it's what I grew up with as well. Plus, I even remember grandma buying boxes of the Nesquik pops, that were 'prolly the worst tasting thing in the history of food. But, they came with a sticker.

    That made everything worth it.
