
you've got my back

Current Mood: like a scoundrel
Current Music: "Montage" from the Team America: World Police soundtrack


20 fun questions for all Star Wars fans -- Copy and paste them into your own blog and fill them out yourself!

01. Who is your favorite character from the original trilogy?
Tough, because I love so many minor characters in addition to the lead characters. I like Vader and Luke, and Han, of course, but I'm going to pick somebody that's not a major character: Admiral Ackbar.

02. How would you rank the original trilogy, in order from favorite to least favorite?
Oh wow. Virtual tie between five and six.
1. Return of the Jedi
2. Empire Strikes Back
3. A New Hope

03. What are two of your favorite action scenes from the original trilogy?
*Hoth ground battle, holding back the AT-ATs until the Rebels escape
*Death Star assault (first time in ANH)

04. What do you consider the most emotional scene from the original trilogy?
Definitely the end of Empire...Solo gets frozen and taken away from Leia who finally knows she loves him, Chewie's abandoned, Luke gets his ass beaten and Vader is revealed as his father...the bad guys win this movie, and it's dark. And powerful. (Yes. That all counts as "a" scene)

05. Do you have any favorite toys or collectibles based off the original trilogy?
Do I? How about the action figures I had in my dorm room? The hundreds of toys and collectibles I still have? My personal favorites were always the Action Fleet Micro Machine spaceships...I'd set up huge space battles between fleets and go crazy.

06. Which character had the most unsatisfying death in the original trilogy?
Geez. Biggs Darklighter. Wedge Antillies was hit, and had to leave the trench, right? But he's still got a pair of proton torpedoes in his fighter, that he will not be able to use to try to destroy the Death Star. Perhaps, if he'd launched them at the pursuing TIE fighters after he pulled away, he could've saved Biggs. That's right, Wedge. I blame you for not trying hard enough.

07. What's your favorite ship or vehicle from the original trilogy?
The spaceships were always my favorite part of Star Wars, and, although there were a ton of cool ones, my favorite has to be the X-Wing fighter. Rebel fighter pilots are so freaking cool.

08. Who is your favorite character from the prequel trilogy?
I'm gonna go with Qui-Gon Jinn. He was a kickass Jedi, something of a renegade (at least in the eyes of the Jedi Council), and I really felt terrible when he died in Episode I.

09. How would you rank the prequel trilogy, in order from favorite to least favorite?
Not very difficult, especially when compared to the original trilogy (OT)
1. Revenge of the Sith
2. Attack of the Clones
3. The Phantom Menace

10. What are two of your favorite action scenes from the prequel trilogy?
Um. Hrm.
*Duel of the Fates with Darth Maul, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan
*the execution of Padme, Anakin, and Obi-Wan on Geonosis (with the gladiator creatures)

11. What do you consider the most emotional scene from the prequel trilogy?
Probably when the clone troopers execute the Jedi at the command of the Sith. It's so terrible the way they were all murdered...

12. Do you have any favorite toys or collectibles based off the prequel trilogy?
I remember when Episode I came out way back in middle school. I'd never been so excited for a movie before. I spent several weeks collecting all 24 of the Pepsi cans with the characters on them (even making other people drink that putrid PepsiOne sludge, and stomaching Diet Pepsi for Qui-Gon), and got way excited for a limited edition Micro Machines playset with battle droids and a Theed speeder.

13. Which character had the most unsatisfying death in the prequel trilogy?
Tie. I sorta wanted Anakin to go ballistic with rage and kill Padme with his bare hands. Instead, she died of "heartbreak" or something like that after birthing the twins. Also, Mace Windu really got the shaft. I mean, sure, he's going up against pretty much the two strongest force sensitive beings...ever, but I kinda wanted him to go down kicking the collective asses of an entire army, first.

14. What's your favorite ship or vehicle from the prequel trilogy?
Those sweet Republic battleships first shown in battle near the end of Episode II. The white and green ones, with maroon trim, that hold about 12 clone troops, have those laser pods, and the killer rockets. I would love to test drive one of those.

Oooh. Or a Naboo fighter. The chrome on the front is awesome.

15. If you could get a personalized Star Wars themed license plate for your car, what would it say?
Probably something like "RED LDR" or "ROGUE 2"

16. Do you have a favorite Star Wars based video game?
Rogue Squadron for Nintendo. The N64 version is probably my favorite. I had all gold medals, and I knew each level so well that I would wait for the TIEs to spawn at the edge of the level and shoot each one down before those Imperial slugs could lay a single shot on the objectives. It was sick. Sometimes, I flew the level in a Y-Wing just to challenge myself.

17. Have you read any of the Star Wars books (expanded universe), and if so, what are your favorites?
*ahem* The expanded universe novels are fantastic. I collect them, and currently have somewhere around 50 or 55. I have less of the New Jedi Order and pre-OT novels, because the classic era has all of my favorites. The X-Wing series, any of Timothy Zahn novels, and most of Stackpole's works are pretty much fantastic. Shadows of the Empire made a great story in between the movies, also.

18. Are you a fan of the "Clone Wars" cartoon series?
Oh, you mean that 30 second clip show that I waited for weeks with David for? No, I was slightly disappointed. The cartoon felt like a sellout. The visuals were pretty nice, though.

19. What (or who) do you hope to see in upcoming Star Wars TV series?
TV SERIES? I smell a huge sellout. George Lucas, you already have our allegiance. You re-release all six movies digitally remastered with a bonus disc or two of extra materials, and I will sell you my kidney for it. Really, I already have five of the movies, but give me the "Collector's Edition", and I'm all over it.

20. If you were stranded on a desert island with one Star Wars character, who would you want it to be and why?
Probably R2-D2. He's like a giant swiss army knife.


  1. I think I've actually found something to post finally.

  2. WHAT, you're a guy -- we all know the real reason for you liking episode six -- Leia. Don't deny it.
