Current Music: "The Stake" by the Steve Miller Band
Spring break started Friday afternoon, and so far in five days I've:
*eaten four Gold Star meals
*watched five movies (Envy, 28 Days Later, Muppets From Space, Death to Smoochy, Saw)
*almost beaten "The Incredibles" video game
*read zero pages
*gone to bed no earlier than 2:30, gotten up no earlier than 12:30
*purchased three sci-fi novels and the second season of Penn and Teller's Bullshit
*practically memorized Tenacious D's greatest hits
Screw homework. Screw productivity. I'm going to fucking enjoy spring break as I see fit. I've decided that visiting people from now on will be done according to who I want to visit, not who I feel I have to.
So this post is a dry catalog of what passes the minutes, devoid of any personal insight or orginality. I don't have the energy to delve into the splintering of my family or the other fantastic things going on. Deal with it.
Every time I come back, Purdue feels farther away.

hi ry! I'm glad you're having fun at home! Cincinnati is for cool kids! :). catch ya on the flip side. !