
And then there were three...

Despite the faculty's adamant stance that Engineering 106 is NOT a weed-out course, it would seem the the rigors of the class, coupled with the massive amounts of homework and merciless grading has claimed another potential Purdue Engineer. Of the four members in my engineering team, only myself, Alex, and Abbas remain. David, the former Aerospace Engineer prospect has changed majors from engineering to business.

The course guide clearly states "expect to spend more hours outside of class working on this class than any other course you might be taking", which is code for "we're gonna throw so much shit at you that only the strong engineers will survive". David couldn't cut it, and I've heard of several others dropping engineering, also. I don't care how much they give me- I want to be an engineer. I have for quite some time. I've worked too much and gotten to far to let some 100 level freshman weed out class get the best of me. I don't care if I have to re-take the class- I will be an engineer.

It's difficult, though, to make the transition from the upper cut of my entire high school to an average Purdue engineer. I was very accustomed to being "the authority" on space, aviation, astronomy, space exploration, etc. at GE and Amelia. Now, I'm just another wannabe Aero Engineer. Striving for distinction amongst my toughest group of competition so far.

Still, I'm working hard. Just finished another Calculus midterm today. What is left of our engineering team finished our design and prototype for Project I, and I'm very pleased to report that our balloon car carried a max of 100 pennies (the most we heard from other groups was 88). This was after the TAs cruelly shot down my brilliant idea for a "cable car" design. Still, I'm pulling out some tricks I learned in Science Challenge to finish this one. Wednesday/Thursday is the final stretch, and then I can finally take a break next week. I need to get back into my workout routine- I haven't been to the gym for a week or two.

My friend Cathleen sent me this. Very nice article that gives me a little bit more hope that she's out there somewhere.

Oh, and I mailed my absentee ballot today. My first election, and I'm just old enough...it's one of those moments that makes me feel a bit older, like when I registered for the draft. Remember to register and exercise your right to Rock the Vote! I suspect I'll post a huge politics post closer to November 2nd and then be done with it. Frankly, having turned in my ballot, I'm really not to worried about much (politically) now.


  1. For some reason that's apparently a big trend... the whole switching to bussiness thing. Oh... and i'll be very interested in reading that post about politics. I'd like to hear you justify voting for Bush.


  2. Its amazing to see someone so determined in what they want to do with their lives.
